PhenQ Review: Helps Decrease Fat and Promotes Lean Muscle

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In our modern society, obesity is an increasingly large problem, and it is not easy to deal with, whether that be actually losing weight by exercising or taking supplements like PhenQ or just talking about it and looking for advice. Even if you are staring down the road ahead, it is full of uncertainties, doubt, and both challenges and a bit of suffering. 

Losing weight is hard. And life is not easy when you are overweight. It tends to crush self-esteem and causes some moments of depression and social anxiety because you differ from normal in a negative way that it seems so easy to change from an outsider’s perspective. 

On top of this, it simply isn’t healthy. Being overweight has a large amount of negative health problems associated with it. This ranges from heart problems, high blood pressure, blood clots, stroke, sundry cardiovascular issues, asthma, diabetes, and so forth. 

The list doesn’t really end, and a great number of them can be fatal. For some, this is why they can muster the will to lose weight.

But sometimes will alone doesn’t do it, and there’s so much misinformation out there, from diets that don’t work to exercise plans that steal your money to weight loss pills that lie to you. Day in, day out, people want to take your clicks and your money, if they can. 

However, we believe that this product, PhenQ, with the info we have, does work. It’s not a sugar pill placebo. It’s designed to help you lose weight, with natural remedies that work off of telling your body how to fix itself. 

In this article, we will review PhenQ, its ingredients, the upsides, the downsides, and how best to use it. We want to help you make the right choice for you, and that includes deciding whether or not PhenQ is right for you, personally.

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PhenQ Reviews: Brand Overview

PhenQ is not exactly a traditional weight loss supplement. See, unlike regular supplements, PhenQ has a few different focuses. Specifically, it works to suppress appetite, boost energy, burn fat, and prevent the fat from re-forming. They made it by performing research on a variety of botanical extracts, vitamins, and minerals, then making the best product they could from the results.

For example, one of their main ingredients, α-Lacys Reset, has shown that, by itself, it can burn 7.24% of their body fat, 3.44% of their weight, and increase muscle mass by 3.8%, all very attractive qualities. 

And, again, that is one ingredient, by itself, doing all that; once we throw in the rest of the ingredients, we can expect an even greater effect. On top of all of this, these are natural ingredients, not synthetics, which makes them exceptionally safe, as we’ve mentioned previously.

PhenQ is a product made from science, with a focus on being the best it can, and the company that makes it pays close attention to this. It hires the best people to make the best product, with every discipline from health consultants to fitness experts to nutritionists represented.  

And it’s also worth mentioning the deals and discounts you can get from buying this product, which we’ll go into more detail on later.


  • All-natural ingredients, making them safer than synthetic alternatives
  • Produced by a reputable company, not a scammer with a fake business who can disappear at will
  • Shows results relatively quickly
  • In addition to oxidizing fat, it is also a good source of calcium
  • It can help fight appetite and boost energy
  • It has a 60-day money-back guarantee, so you can get a refund if it doesn’t work
  • It doesn’t require any form of prescription to order
  • Voted as #1 best fat burner by Men’s Journal


  • It is not suitable for children or pregnant/nursing mothers and specifically warns against their usage of the product.
  • Has caffeine as an ingredient, which is a stimulant that can cause sleeping problems if you take it near bedtime
  • It can be purchased through their site alone and nowhere else

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Ingredients of PhenQ

Like any good supplement company, they advertise the specific ingredients they use with absolute confidence. We’re going to list what they are and their effects to better inform you of the product.

  • Capsicum Extract

Capsicum Extract, which comes from certain peppers, such as chili peppers. It has thermogenic properties, which boost your body heat, which has a couple of effects. 

The main thing this does is boost the rate at which your body metabolizes fat and conducts other metabolic processes, which are already quite good. However, on top of this, it also has appetite-reducing properties, making it easier and more convenient to eat less food.

  • Caffeine

Caffeine, which as we all know, is a commonly found natural stimulant. In other words, it boosts mental clarity and energy levels, as well as boosting the rate at which your body does things. 

Now, “things” is quite broad, but think of it as having a similar effect to increasing your body heat, though with less fat-burning properties. In addition to this, it can help suppress your appetite as well.

  • Vitamin B3

Vitamin B3, also known as Niacin, helps convince your body to burn food for energy instead of keeping it around as stored adipose tissue or fat. This effect works better if you exercise; even taking a walk can help boost the effect of niacin to better help you lose weight. 

Of course, it can increase hunger because your body will burn through food quicker, but that’s where the other ingredients’ appetite suppress properties come into play.

  • Piperine

Piperine, which comes from black pepper, is another compound with thermogenic properties, meaning it raises your body heat and helps burn fat. On top of this, it has other beneficial properties. First off, it may help prevent the formation of new adipose tissue cells, and second, it can help regulate obesity-induced dyslipidemia, a condition where you have an abnormally high amount of fats inside your blood.

  • Chromium Picolinate

Chromium Picolinate, a compound found in all sorts of foodstuffs, can help control your desire for carbs and sugars, which can help regulate blood sugar levels. It does this by increasing cellular sugar uptake, which, again, reduces cravings for carbohydrates.

  • Nopal

Nopal, which has a high fiber content. Fiber can do a couple of things for you. First, it aids in regular and normal bowel movements, and on top of that, it increases how long you stay full after you eat. 

Nopal cactus, itself, has its own benefits, such as having a large concentration of essential amino acids and helping to cut down water weight. Those amino acids can help boost a lot of health factors, but primarily they’ll work on increasing energy levels.

  • L-Carnitine Fumarate

L-Carnitine Fumarate, another compound commonly found in food, is an amino acid that aids the burning of fat to produce energy. This can help make up for the caloric shortfall caused by dieting with the goal of weight loss, burning fat stores to keep the rest of your body working optimally. It can also help boost energy levels!

  • Calcium Carbonate

Calcium Carbonate, which is good for your bones and is a chemical messenger. Calcium carbonate, when it contacts the brain, tells it that the body is full up on fats, and it should get to burning fat. Your brain will also suppress appetite to avoid wasting food when you already have enough fat to burn at the moment for energy and nutrients.

  • α-Lacys Reset

α-Lacys Reset, which is a combination of other compounds and an element, namely Alpha-Lipoic Acid, Cysteine Base, and Magnesium. These three, working together, aid metabolism and thermogenesis, or increasing body heat. These two factors, as discussed previously, boost fat burning in the body by quite a bit because the fat is what is burned for heat.

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PhenQ’s Mechanisms of Weight Loss

These 9 ingredients are what PhenQ uses to give you its benefits, but what even are its benefits? We’ve mentioned them briefly, but here is where we tell you the specifics of its effects and why they’re useful for achieving weight loss if needed.

  • Fat Burning

First and most importantly, PhenQ uses its ingredients, such as Piperine and capsicum, to facilitate the burning of fat in your body. 

Specifically, it does this by boosting your metabolism’s speed and by turning up your body temperature, which the two effects compound on each other. Why this is desirable in a weight-loss product is, I imagine, self-explanatory.

  • Prevention of Fat-Building Mechanisms

Your body builds up fat for a variety of reasons to maintain what it views as your “normal,” but that’s what we’re looking to avoid here. 

So, PhenQ uses ingredients like Piperine that keep new adipose tissue from forming where the old tissue has already burnt away. This lets you keep your gains, or rather, your losses, much more easily.

  • Appetite Suppression

Without massive levels of biochemical control that aren’t readily achievable, you’re still going to have to eat less while you’re on a supplement to reach its full effect. 

Thankfully, there are ways to make eating less a breeze; if you’re less hungry, you’re going to eat less with no hunger pangs or discomfort. 

And so, PhenQ works to keep your appetite low, such as through the mechanisms of high fiber or via calcium carbonate, to keep you on track.

  • Energy Boosting

On a diet, you tend to have energy and fatigue issues due to the effects of caloric restriction. Thankfully, PhenQ is designed with this in mind, with energy-boosting agents such as caffeine present to give you a boost and keep you from being lethargic from dieting. Plus, it can help give you the energy you need to work out!

  • Mood Enhancement

On top of diets making you feel tired, losing weight can have negative mental effects, such as feeling depressed or having mood swings. 

So, PhenQ uses ingredients that help promote a calm, even mental state to help keep you from experiencing such negative mental states while dieting, keeping you en route to your goal.

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Who Can Benefit from PhenQ?

PhenQ is made from natural, botanical ingredients, which tend to be quite a bit safer than synthetic chemicals and is made to benefit men and women alike. In addition, due to being made out of plants alone, it is possible to use this product without breaking a vegan, vegetarian, or similar diet. 

Also, unlike some other pills, PhenQ won’t interfere with birth control pills, meaning you can simultaneously use both without worrying about one compromising the other.

However, PhenQ isn’t for everyone. For example, pregnant and breastfeeding women should not use this product, as weight gain during pregnancy and while breastfeeding is natural and healthy. 

Next, children under 18 should avoid it due to these formative years being particularly vulnerable to chemical imbalances. Finally, if you have a chronic illness or are on any kind of medication, you need to see a doctor to see if you can use PhenQ safely because it might be a health hazard with certain medicines or conditions.

Benefits of PhenQ

Now, we’ve covered its weight loss effects, but now we’re going to cover its general benefits, which may overlap, but we are confident that this section is still going to be very informative and helpful to you.

  • Improved Mood and Boosted Energy Levels

First off, as we’ve mentioned previously, it can help boost your mood and energy levels, which is a result of both the agents themselves and from fat being burned. After all, fat is just condensed biological energy, which is why working out helps so much!

  • Mental Health Benefits

Weight loss and its process can be stressful, as we’ve talked about, and PhenQ helps keep you on an even keel. Plus, this is always useful, because who couldn’t use a little less stress and a little more peace of mind?

  • Increased Confidence

When achieving weight loss, and when you begin to show it (typically in a month, with PhenQ), you’ll often see that your level of confidence and self-esteem go up correspondingly because now your body is beginning to be something to be proud of. It’s something you earned, and something good that you earned, and having confidence in yourself again always feels great.

  • Natural and Healthy Weight Loss

As we’ve mentioned before, all of these ingredients are safe, healthy, and straight from nature. It works by telling your body to run certain processes and run certain ways to burn fat more efficiently. With no synthetic chemicals in here, you have much less to worry about than with other synthetic, weight loss supplements.

  • 60-Day Money-Back Guarantee

Should PhenQ fail you, or you just aren’t happy with it, you can return it anytime within 60 days. You should start seeing results within 30, so that’s more than enough time to verify whether or not it works, and then go and get your money back, just like that.

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Side Effects

Now, it should be noted that while these ingredients are natural and generally safe, you can have some side effects, typically none too severe, and some go away after a few days of usage. 

First, you have potential allergies. Some of the ingredients in PhenQ can trigger allergies, especially chromium picolinate, so if this happens, just return your pills. It isn’t worth the health risk. 

Second, you have headaches and nausea. These two symptoms occur within the first about a week of using PhenQ, if at all, and go away over time. They are caused by the high doses of medicinal ingredients that your body isn’t used to, and you will acclimate to them shortly. 

Finally, you may have issues sleeping, but this generally only happens if you take the pill after 3 pm. In other words, if you take it in the morning and at lunch like you’re supposed to, you’ll have energy during the day without having problems at night.

Who Should Avoid PhenQ?

PhenQ, sadly, is not usable by everyone. First, anyone below 18 is a no-go because a child’s biochemistry is more vulnerable to disruption than an adult’s, as they are still growing and developing. 

Second, pregnant and breastfeeding mothers, as not only is the weight gain a natural part of this stage of motherhood, but some of the ingredients may affect the baby through the umbilical cord or through your breastmilk, making it bad for you and your child. 

Finally, if you have a pre-existing condition or are on medication, you should ask a doctor to make sure that PhenQ won’t have any negative interactions or cause harm to you.

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PhenQ Dosage and User’s Guide

As we mentioned in brief before, the recommended dosage schedule is one with breakfast, and the second with lunch, no later than 3 pm to avoid sleep issues. Take your pill with plenty of water; water helps the pill work and keeps you healthy. Each bottle has a month’s worth of tablets, and typically within 3 months, there are reports of noticeable results.

Again, there may be some side effects, especially in the first few days of use, so as long as they aren’t too severe, just carry on through them as best as you can. Also, weight loss isn’t fast and requires you to be patient, consistent, and determined to achieve it. 

Since PhenQ focuses on burning fat and releases all the energy that was stored in the adipose tissue, you need to exercise. If you don’t, it will negatively affect your progress to losing weight, and you can’t gain a truly nice-looking body without some musculature.

Note, if you miss a dose, don’t double up. Doubling the dose at once is not great, and the pills need some space to work their best, so either try and fit another dose in or just skip that dose on that day and make double sure not to tomorrow. 

This advice also applies to taking more at once to get faster results; it doesn’t work and can put you at risk if you take way too many. If you double dose, you’ll probably just be uncomfortable, but it’s still not pleasant.

It should be noted that PhenQ doesn’t just start working noticeably at the same time for everyone; all of our bodies and lifestyles are different, and these things work at different rates. 

Finally, when you reach your desired weight, you can stop taking the pills. Just remember to keep your diet normal and track your weight by an average of weeks, not over days, as daily fluctuations are normal.

Pricing and How to Buy PhenQ?

PhenQ can be bought on their website, with quite a number of deals. If you buy one bottle, as of the time of writing, you can save up to 10 dollars. If you buy two, you get another bottle free, and you save up to 100 dollars. 

And if you buy three, you get two bottles free, as well as a free Advana Cleanse, for up to 210 dollars of savings. US dollars, mind you.

On top of this, it has a 60-day money-back guarantee, so if you don’t like it, you can just get your money back, just like that. Just remember to read the fine print on these things, as a general rule.

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PhenQ Review: Conclusion

PhenQ is one of the well-reviewed weight loss supplements with lots of glowing reviews of it, with their manufacturer being approved worldwide for their selection of high-quality products. 

It has no severe side effects, assuming you’re not allergic (rub it on your skin before use to check), and what side effects it does have go away after a few days of use. Well, and you have to take it before 3 pm, but that’s not too hard to do.

Not to mention, the results it brings you will last after you stop taking PhenQ, so long as you keep staying healthy, eating right, and exercising. 

If you’re looking for a weight loss product, I’d recommend trying out PhenQ and seeing if this is the product that lets you finish your weight loss journey as the best you can be.


from Men's Journal

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